Getting Started
Create a logo from a template
Create a logo from scratch
Open a logo for editing
How-to Tutorials
How-to: General (Text and Image Objects)
Select and move an object
Remove an object
Duplicate an object
Bring an object closer
Send an object farther
Bring an object to front
Send an object to background
Save an object as a style template
Resize a selected object quickly
Add a reflection effect
How-to: Logo Image Objects
Add a new image object
Edit a selected image object
Rotate, flip and resize an image
Select image color
Import a custom bitmap
Add shadow and outline
Add gradient
How-to: Logo Text Objects
Add a new text line
Edit a selected text object
Make a circular text / rotate a text line
Select text color
Select text font and size
Add text shadow and outline
Add text gradient
How-to: Publish a Logo
Save a logo project
Save a logo for the Web
Save a logo for print
Print a logo
Make a background transparent
Save as a logo template
Interface Windows
Main Window
Work area
Selecting objects on the canvas
Moving and deleting objects on the canvas
Current object preview window
Shape library window
Styles library
Image wizard
Shape wizard
Text wizard
Effects wizard
Gradient wizard
Colors wizard
Transform wizard
Logo image wizard
Reflections wizard
Logo Design Software - AAA Logo

Navigation: Logos Effect Wizard

Effects wizard


The Effects wizard allows you to apply some styling to a selected object. Click the Effects button on the toolbar to open the wizard.

The wizard opens into the dialog above.

You can use the dialog to apply an outline to a selected object, set its color, opacity and define its sharpness using the slider. From the same dialog, you can apply a shadow to an object and specify its properties, such as shadow angle, distance, color and opacity. As you customize the styling options, all changes are immediately reflected in the object on the canvas.


To enable the outline effect, click on the "Has Outline" checkbox and then set outline sharpness using the slider.

To enable the shadow effect, click on the "Has Shadow" checkbox and then set its angle, distance and opacity using the sliders.

To set the shadow color, click on the color box and use the color picker to select a new color.

To set a new color, click on the color box and use the color picker to select a new color.


Once the styling is customized, click OK to return to the work area.

Related topics:

Image wizard

Text wizard

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